Friday, February 25, 2011

Stories from out students: Awesome Adventures by Keziah


The Children Who Got Lost by Shenee

Monday, February 21, 2011

Practice your knowledge of statistics


And now test your knowledge with this activity!

Practice your knowledge of statistics


Friday, February 18, 2011

Our Reflections on learning in Week 3

"I learned how to use Glogster" Everyone!
I learned not to use a helmet if it is damaged when I am riding my bike, even for a short distance" Jessica
"I learned about Bike safety" Everyone!
"I learned how to make a stem and leaf graph" James and Ettiene
" I learned how to make a stop signal to show a car behind me" Sylvia
" I learned how to make a blog" Lara and most of the class
" I learned what give way means in a road rule" Colby and Joel
"I learned how to go around a roundabout on my bike" Daisy
"I learned how to do a u turn on my bike" Sarah U
"I learned that the signs are important on the road so they tell you what to do" Shenee
" I learned that bikers indicate by putting their hands out" Sarah P
"I learned that you have to hold on to the handlebars very tight when you are turning" Tessa
"I learned that everyone has something special about themselves" Chantal
"I learned how to put gadgets on to a glogster" Kaitlyn
"I learned how to be a safe bike rider" Emma

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blogging in Manuka DC Yr 5

Here in Manuka DC year 5 we are all writing in our blogs. Here is a movie to explain about blogs and how they work!

Friday, February 4, 2011

First week in Year 5 2011

Our reflections on learning this week:
"I learned how to use Comic Life" shenee
"I found out what I need to learn in the maths tests" Tyreece
"I liked the Treaty House story" Sarah U
"I learned how to download pics from camera to the computer" Caitlin S
"I learned about the IB PYP programme and more about learner profiles " Kaitlyn
"I learned how much you actually do for mum and dad with responsibilities" Shenee
"I learned a new way of thinking in books to work out things" Jessica
"I learned about Icebreakers" Ciaran

"I learned about Waitangi day" Miles
"I learned about a marae and the Treaty House" Daisy
"I learnt more about inquirers" Emma

"I learned about communicators" Jayden
"I learned about rights and responsibilities" Sarah P

"I learned about knowledgeable" Colby - " You dont just have to write down things but find out more things in books"

"I learned about our teacher" Dannidee
"I learned about Comic Life" Ettiene
"I learned how to spell harder words" James
" I learned about how there are schools like ours all over the world" Sylvia and Lara
Lara learned about how we have a special school like others around the world with IB and PYP